What a super Sunday it was on 14th April 2019!
I saw #MichelleObama with my daughter at the O2 and #TigerWoods wins 2019 Masters – an amazing comeback. They inspired me to reflect and dwell on their achievements as follows:
- Role: Presidency / your position doesn’t change you, rather it reveals who you are.
- Politics: “It’s time for us to roll up our sleeves and if we are not happy with the state of things then, in democracies, we have votes. We have to pay attention and we have to be engaged and we can’t take our rights and liberties for granted. Because if we don’t vote, somebody will.”
- Solace:“We have to remember that what is happening today is true, but what happened before was also true … that should give us some solace at some level.”
- Hope:When they go low go high — take a long term view. Hope is long term, fear is short time.
- Hope: What can everyday people do to bring about change? We need to share stories about kindness compassion and truth. We have an obligation not to loose faith. Our kids deserve hope. We need to give our kids a sense of what’s possible.
- Perseverance:When the chips are down, stand firm and think: ‘I’ll show you.’
- Courage:Being great is one thing. Being great after falling out of grace takes twice as much work and ten times as much courage.

Tiger Woods Wins Masters 2019